Balanced With believes that you deserve total wellness. Our bodies can reach balance and thrive if we give it the love it needs. This looks different for each person. Balanced With does not believe in a one size fits all approach to health. We are all bio-individuals and have different needs.
Whether you want help with digestive issues, blood sugar levels, or simply want more energy there is a natural path to wellness. Cassandra, owner and founder of Balanced With, is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner specializing in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis whose goal is to help you create synergy in your life using a whole body approach. Total health addresses mind, body, and soul. Together, we explore everything from diet, physical activity, stress-management and more to see how we can create perfect balance.
Cassandra has had her fair share of health issues. She is still navigating through and conquering many of the issues that have plagued her for years. Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age or 17 and then Lyme disease at 32 she knew she had a long road of healing ahead. After seeing over 20 doctors for digestive issues, joint pain, blood sugar imbalances, numbness, fatigue, and more she decided to take her health into her own hands. Cassandra became a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner to not only help herself but more importantly help others. It is through nutrition, movement, and mindfulness that we can bring ourselves into balance.